
What is We Council?

The We Council at Burnaby South is a club that organizes and puts on events to help fundraise and spread awareness about local and global issues affecting children. In We Council, we work alongside with Free the Children, which is a non-profit organization working to address the issues facing children in the world. Like them, we inspire youth to care about social justice and provide the practical tools needed to turn that inspiration into action. We raise awareness about both local and global issues, such as local poverty, thirst, exploitation, human rights, and famine. We organize, promote and lead the school in various activities.

We participate in Free the Children events such as Vow of Silence, and the Five Days for Freedom, and a handful of members attend We Day annually. We Council is the club where students get a chance to learn about all the problems that affect real people around the world. We get to experience firsthand the feeling of accomplishment when we help out because every little bit counts. Not only do we support many of these worldwide collaborative campaigns, we tackle on challenges of local issues. We want to coordinate humanitarian efforts in our school on a greater scale and collaborate with other clubs and councils and lend support to their events, just like what we hope they'll do for us. We Council is full of dedicated students who are ready to listen and take action.

For more information visit Free the Children.

As a We School in Action...

Millions of young people across the globe don't have the most basic things that we often take for granted: food, clean water, education. The challenges that poverty and inequality create are so large that solutions can only come from our collective effort. Action by young people across North America that tackles both local and global issues is the strongest step towards a more fair and fulfilled world.

A commitment to taking local and global action has always been a part of schools' involvement in We Day. This year, we want to put the year-long commitment to action front and center.

Free The Children's We Schools in Action program inspires a generation to care about social justice and provides the practical tools needed to turn that inspiration into action. Launched by the energy and message of We Day, We Schools puts students at the forefront of active global citizenship by educating them on social issues and action planning, developing leadership skills, and engaging them in world-changing action.

We Schools commit to taking one local action and one global action, and to sharing their action plans and accomplishments with the community of We Schools. Participation in the We Schools in Action program is not mandatory to attend We Day. However, schools that make the commitment to take action through the program will get first priority to attend the event.

WE council helps organize, promote, and lead the school in various events and activities to promote and raise awareness to the people in need. We also work to get other groups and council's messages out to the school.


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