26 Jan 2014

We Day

We Day 2012

The deafening roar of thousands and thousands of voices echoes in the air with heart-thumping clarity. All of those voices combined have the power to topple any mountain and stand tall in any storm. The room is dark, yet the room is bright. With countless little rapidly darting spotlights, it is illuminated only as a whole. The floor rumbles with excitement from all directions that fills your head with restlessness. There is a flutter in your heart and like a loud bass it beats faster and faster. Faster yet, it skips, until it threatens to explode into a massive ball of boundless energy--ready to give and be given inspiration...

That, ladies and gentlemen, is We Day.

On October 18th, 18,000 middle and high school students come together to participate in an extraordinarily powering event--We Day. Established by Free the Children and Me to We, We Day Vancouver allows thousands of young adults around Vancouver to have a chance to come together and learn how to change the world. Held at Roger's Arena, performers and speakers such as Magic Johnson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Cody Simpson, Demi Lovato, and Craig and Mark Kielburger brought energy to the young people gathered there that day. Through music, dance, and empowering speeches, the event doubtlessly will change the course of many lives.

For the students at Burnaby South Secondary, it was a day to remember forever...

"I think Gandhi's metaphor with pencils about how power lies in numbers was inspiring especially how right in from of our eyes, more than 20,000 people, were sitting there for the same reason as us. Just that physical representation of all the empowered youth in this region was motivating. It was simple things like a mass human wave that showed me that together we could reach goals that we couldn't by ourselves." - Anika Meng

"Being at We Day and hearing about how together we have helped all the children in other countries receive the clean water they need, makes me feel great knowing that every small thing we do can lead to a big difference!" - Jeanette Lim

For many, this experience will impact their lives forever. We Day is not just any event, it is an event that brings students into the act of changing the world. Young people have the power to change the future, and We Day makes it possible. All this positive energy makes one wonder, 'What can I do to help change the world?' Well, go to We Day to find out how you can make someone else in the world happy! 

Article by Sylvia Huang

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